Waiting List and Deposit Policies:

I require a $800 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit to be placed on my waiting list. This deposit will be deducted from the purchase price. Payments can be made by check, cash, PayPal (fees are not covered by Pug Envy) or credit card (in person or over the phone). Clients are placed on the waiting list in the order of the date deposits are received (not the date you mail them). Puppies will be offered in the same chronological order as received deposits according to the gender and color preferences chosen. Clients should have some idea of what they desire in a puppy prior to placing a deposit i.e. color, gender and a second choice. However, this is not required in order to be placed on our waiting list. You can request a certain litter but it is in no way guaranteed.

Before placing a deposit with us, please be certain that you are willing to wait for your special puppy. We do our best to fulfill the requests of our clients, but genetics being what they are, we cannot predict how many pups will be produced or the gender and (sometimes) color that will result from any breeding or if the breeding will be successful and produce puppies at all.

Waiting List Factors:

We receive numerous inquiries on the size of our waiting list, or the approximate time it may take for a client to receive a puppy from us. The size of the list is not always a factor in the selection process. Clients may pass on a puppy that is exactly what another client desires. Because of this, we cannot predict when a puppy will be available.

The reasons that people pass on a puppy are endless. Some of them are: ‘We are not ready for a puppy at this time’, ‘We are moving’, ‘We like the puppy, but it’s not exactly what we are looking for’, ‘Not the right gender’, ‘We just found out we are pregnant’, ‘We haven’t had time to put up a fence’, ‘An illness prevents us from taking a puppy right now’, ‘We’ve had a job change’, ‘Our current dog has become ill’, ‘We will be traveling when the puppy is ready to go home’.

Sometimes we will have puppies available to the public while still having many people on the waiting list also.

Breeding Procedures:

Once we have bred for an upcoming litter or litters, I will list them in the Puppy Pen on my website with an approximate due date and color possibilities. We usually do not know if a dog is pregnant until the 4 to 5 week mark. A dog is pregnant for 58 to 65 days and we are never completely sure of the day the female ovulated and conceived so due dates are not always an exact science. Once a litter is born, I will announce it in the Puppy Pen, usually within 24 hours, and list the colors and genders that were born. Sometimes it takes me a day or two to get a quick group photo of Mom and babies and I don’t post individual photos until they are 1 to 2 week of age. Pups are delicate and Moms are protective and anxious before that time. After that we do weekly photo updates and post them on our website in the Puppy Pen.

We do not allow visits until the pups are at least 4 weeks old and we prefer that no more than one visit per 2 weeks are made. We can text or email quick videos and give you email and phone updates as to their progress, health and personalities.

Placement and Picking Procedures:

Once a litter is born I will notify my deposit holders with preferences that match that litter to see if you would like to put a hold on a puppy or, if there is more than one of a gender and color, a pick (1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on) of that litter. This is the initial choice you must make and it is usually during the first week they are born. You must choose a single gender and color from a single litter. Once you place your deposit on a litter you come off the waiting list.

At any time you can change your mind and be placed back on the waiting list, keeping in mind if another litter has been born in the meantime and a deposit holder of your same gender/color preference chose a pup from that litter you will be bumped down the litter after them. Deposits may be transferred to another litter as many times as needed until you find the right puppy for your family. Should you choose to transfer your deposit you may or may not receive the same picking order as before. Transfers are placed at the highest available spot behind anyone who already has a deposit placed. If you decide to transfer your deposit you will want to notify me as soon as possible to secure a good picking position. You cannot maintain a spot on the waiting list once you have chosen a litter to pick a puppy from or a specific puppy from a litter. A deposit equals one spot on the waiting list or the reservation of a pick of a litter or a specific puppy.

Deposit holders are to make their final puppy choice between 4 and no later than 6 weeks of age. Failure to decide or choose a puppy within the 6 week time frame given will result in forfeit of your pick spot and I will notify the next person on the waiting list to make their choice and so on. Puppies come with AKC limited registration (PET ONLY) unless Full AKC Registration is otherwise arranged with me (very rare).

It is your responsibility to notify me of any changes to phone numbers, emails